Foreign Policy Research Institute

+38 (044) 287 52 58

Foreign Policy Research Institute

tel. +38 (044) 287 52 58

Transformation Processes in the Visegrad Group Countries and Ukraine: comparative analysis

Transformation Processes in the Visegrad Group Countries and Ukraine: comparative analysis

A deep and systematic coverage of the problem of post-Soviet, post-Communist and post-colonial transition of Ukraine are found in the book. The results of studies of various models of post-Communist transformations that occurred in Poland, the Czech Republic, Hungary and Slovakia are also presented. Particular attention is paid to the background analysis and stages of return to authoritarianism as a result of unsuccessful democratic transformations or, on the contrary, their absence. The authors investigate the roots and sources of such historical relapses of the return of society to the past, which leads the country through degradation and regression.

The book is intended for a wide range of domestic and foreign experts, scientists, as well as readers who are interested in domestic and foreign policy and international relations.

You can buy the book by phones:

+38 (044) 287 52 58
+38 (097) 487 20 00

Price - 75 UAH.